Laser cutting

Laser tube cutting

Laser welding

Cutting + trimming

Automatic sheet metal bending

Sheet metal bending

CNC milling

Powder coating

Laser detail marking

Automatic sheet metal bending
on the automated bending centre
The technology offered by our company definitely differs from classic solutions such as bending on bending brakes or bending machines. The bending centre of the Trumpf company is the first machine of TruBend Center 5030 series in Poland. Additionally, the configuration of our machine has been developed for a robot taking over the role of operator. This solution is the first configuration of such type in the world. All these elements cause that the suggested range of services that we can realize for our clients regarding competition is definitely broader.
The bending centre can realize very complicated bendings, which the lead time can be shorter a few regarding standard bending machines. For clients, who order processing e.g. stainless steel, which is not subject to any coating process, the essential element is traceless, especially radius bending. The full automation also causes that making big series for our clients is an easy process in realization and what is essential, it is very cheap in comparison to classic solutions.
The service of sheet metal bending on a bending brake
Maximum thickness of bending
- Structural steel
- Aluminium
- Stainless steel
Maximum height of bending
Trumpf Trubend Center 5030 + Robot
Machine Model
Minimum width of bending
Maximum width of bending

Laser cutting
10 kW

Laser tube cutting

Laser welding

Cutting + trimming

Automatic sheet metal bending

Powder coating
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